Saturday, September 13, 2014

Not Much Has Changed

Today I realized that not much changes with regard to technology and where you are in the world.  I worked my butt off getting internet into my home in SE Asia. Not true here. It was with a call and a technician and poof! Internet was in my home. But as far as that technology goes, it has its limits wherever you are.  I did a great deal of internet searches trying to find some charity to take my belongings that I paid to keep in storage for years.  I guess I was not ready to part with them before I left.  But now I have pared down my belongings to a few suitcases. This means I can pick up and go very easily. Unless I take all my shoes. For that I might need a semi-trailer to follow the baggage.

So how did I spend my morning? I was online trying in vain to get some charity to pick up the stuff I was donating. It was good stuff. Cashmere, marino wool, and linen this and that. Everyone wanted it but was unwilling to pick it up. I have made a conscious decision to not own a car. Now what?  I was told to bring in the stuff in small amounts I could carry. Not bloody likely. The donation drop in meant taking a bus, walking a long hike, then walking another long hike back to another bus stop and waiting 2 hours.  I got smart. I contacted a group who had enlisted my support for stopping high density building in our lake area.  After sending out the e-mail I was called within an hour and the bounty picked up within minutes.

Then a friend from SE Asia called from Hong Kong. We chatted, we caught up, we laughed and then finally said adieu.  In the middle of that call another FaceTime call came through. I declined that and went back to it after the Hong Kong call. We laughed, we giggled, we talked about everything until finally I said my phone has told me 'this is over'.  We disconnected. Maybe time for a quick game of solitaire. Nope. The iPad was tired too. It signed off right after the phone.

So, you see, technology does not allow these devices to work longer or harder in any one place in the world. I also consciously decided that a cell phone is all I would use when I came back. I survived with just that, even though I had some stupid landline that everyone in the country believed was a fax line.  Yes right now I could still use both the phone and the iPad, but be tethered to a place on the wall as they charged themselves.  However, we all have laptops, and that little puppy was waiting for my fingertips to communicate to the world. I think it was actually waiting for me to get back to the thesis.

I will give myself another day. One full day to indulge myself in frivolity.  No work. No tasks. No organizing anything. A day in the sun. Then back to write that thesis so that someone can move the tassel to the other side of my head.

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