Sunday, January 11, 2015

How to Make a Crockpot Slow Cooker More Efficient

I have never owned a slow cooker before.  But living at an Inn, and having only a microwave to prepare foods and a serious resistance to eating out every day, I have purchased my first slow cooker. Haven't tried to use it yet.  That will come. But when I was buying it I also spied a popcorn popper. I love popcorn. I waffled for a few minutes, and made myself walk past the popper.  I am doing my best to resist buying things while here for a 4 month contract.  The popcorn popper could provide me with my favourite dinner food, but what am I to do? Lay down on the floor below the shoot that tosses out the popped morals?  No, I would have to also buy a big bowl. No more purchases, unless I can eat them!
However, arriving back at my suite I opened up this new machine and noticed that there is a metal pot sort of thing, and then a large ceramic pot that lines the inside of this metal pot. Well, had I known this I would have bought the popcorn popper without hesitation. That ceramic insert is just the right thing for my popcorn bowl.  Now, back to the pharmacy to pick up that popper that was calling my name.

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