Sunday, February 1, 2015

12 More Weeks

Another week has gone by. Thank God.  I worked like a madman, but on Friday I packed it up by 3:30 and came back to the Inn.  Some person sent a blanket e-mail advising that all data entered would be lost from Wednesday to Friday. There was some virus in the system.   I had spent a good amount of time on Wednesday entering all the individual student attendance for every day of the month.  Knowing that I would have to re enter all that did not impress me at all.  Other than that, it was a good week of teaching.  Students worked hard on their assignments.  Students continue to improve in their pronunciation.  So I must be doing something right. Or else they are just doing it all on their own. Doesn't matter - somethings are improving and that is the goal.

I am going out to lunch with an old Calgary friend today.  You can be sure that I will order some kind of meat that has not been stewed in a slow cooker or from a grocery store deli counter.  That date is something I am looking forward to.  I also had a long Skype chat with another old Calgary friend who has relocated to Ontario.  As we digressed and laughed I told her that I think that we should video our visits and see if some network would pick it up.  We could have weekly chats and keep recording them.  If Seinfeld could run for so long, I cannot imagine our visits not being a hit with the boomers.  What we admit to and talk about are all that a boomer can identify with.  Plus, some of our gabbing is pretty darn funny, even to us.  We were talking about history and how we both were very disinterested in that subject during our school years. Now, we tend to watch all sorts of documentary channels and learn so much about that which we avoided in our youth. I admitted to her that I tend to be a closet history buff these days. Why?  Because what I am learning in my senior years is something that I was supposed to be learning at the beginning of my life.  I can't talk about this new knowledge to most people because they would think I had lived on another planet when they all gathered this information decades ago.  I must either keep this my secret, or remember to use the 'past tense' when I talk about it.

I have my lesson plans ready for this week.  Hopefully that means less time I spend at the computer too.  We will see.  Only 12 weeks left before I return to green and warm.

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