Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Guests at the Inn

I poked my nose out the door this morning to see how cold it was. It was cold. But more than that I spied a box near the trash. A long box that indicated it was a bag for a gun. Yikes.  I mentioned this to the manager, and he had not noticed the writing on the box. I left, saying that I hoped that whoever the guest was, hopefully has left.  He agreed.

Other than that, not much new.  I see that we have a short reprieve in the weather for one day and then back into a deep freeze and blizzard. Oh well, by the end of the week there are only 11 weeks to go.  I can do it.

I gave my students an assignment to make PPTs with instructions for doing something. They were extremely creative. One made a PPT for lockdown in the school. Another made one for using a first aid kit. And then one made one by not making one. She led me to believe she knew what she was doing, but I guess I should have asked a few questions. She was going to show the class how to buy things online. But she didn't have a clue.  It was entertaining, but far from done.  We will work on that next week.  It turns out that her husband helped her buy an iPad online but clearly she did not have any input for that purchase. She was babbling about how you can use a cheque to buy something online if you do not have a  credit card. I asked how she was going to deliver that cheque.  No answer.  Oh well, it gives me something to do, right?

Now it is time to pour some Bailey's into a glass and relax.

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