Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Cold and Snow Still Here

At least the city has made an effort to remove the snow this time. Fighting with snow removal equipment, I picked my way back to the Inn where I will likely hunker down for the weekend. This morning offers no reprieve from the cold - we are at -17 right now.  Maybe I will drag myself out for a walk somewhere later today. It would probably be a good idea to get out and take a look at the city. After all I have that cheapo bus pass. I might as well make good use of it.

Students were scarce as hen's teeth yesterday. I am sure they decided that it was unacceptable to be out in the cold coming to school during a blizzard.  Only a dozen or so braved the weather. That however made teaching easy.  I only had to think for 12 people instead of dozens.

Television watching is out of the question. I just subjected myself to a program called 'world's cheapest people'.  There was some idiot who had a makeshift clothesline strung in his house where he hung used paper towels to dry and reuse.  Beside the paper towels hung little strands of string. Apparently he reuses his dental floss as well.  I guess I can thank God that although my marriage was miserable, it was not a marriage with a cheapskate.  This idiot then took his wife out on their monthly date night. He began the date night early in the day  - he took her to the movies and of course matinees are cheaper.  After springing for the tickets to the movie he had his wife find seats in the theatre. Not exactly difficult. The theatre was empty. But what he did while she did that was disgusting. He rummaged through the trash bins to find a used drink cup and nearly empty popcorn box. Apparently that theatre offers free refills on drinks and popcorn. So, he took the drink cup and popcorn box to the concession stand and got his refills. Poor wifey had no idea what he had done, and dug into the treats thinking he was a prince. Then, when they left the theatre, he got another free refill for each for the drive home. He made sure they also provided ice in the drink.  OMG, that show was bad enough. But watching it makes me just as looney as the people in the show.

Nothing new to report from Edmonton. Work is work, weather is weather. And all of my experiences here will be over in 11 weeks.

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