Thursday, February 5, 2015

Snow is on the way......

Now almost at the 11 week mark I am telling myself I can do this.  We will see how I feel after the next couple of days. We have a massive dump of snow forecasted, and so far I have not witnessed good snow removal in this city.  I am hoping that changes.  Otherwise we will be plodding through the white stuff like pioneers.
I still like the work, but jeez these new Canadians quickly learn how to play the system. All they have to do to earn a free seat in this program is show up.  If they don't show up for 8 of the classes in the entire term they are punted.  I have heard every excuse under the sun for why they are not attending, and with each excuse they want me to indicate they were there, when in truth they were not.  One even thought I should mark her present while she went to Peru for almost a month. Not bloody likely!

Others think they belong in a higher level in the program Those ones cannot even understand the response to that. Sure they belong in a higher level.  But generally, my students are sincere. They work on the assignments I give them. They do their best.  They improve.

As of tomorrow, I have 11 weeks of teaching here left.  I am sure I can do it.  Soon I will be able to say that there is only 1/2 left.  That will be the milestone.  I think February 27th is the half way point.

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